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Serving the Cincinnati

Area Since 1949

We strive to treat our

insureds as family

We know you work

hard for your money

Auto Calculators

The calculators at this site are designed to help you to understand the issues that need to be considered in determining the investment option or options suitable for you.
However, the calculators should not be seen as a substitute for professional advice from a financial planner who takes into account your personal financial circumstances and needs.
We strongly recommend that you discuss your requirements with a qualified financial adviser, who can take into account your personal financial position and can help you choose a strategy that suits your own personal circumstances.

Auto Loan Calculator
Simple way to calculate monthly payments and estimate how much you can afford to borrow

Rebate vs. Interest Rate Calculator

Auto Lease vs. Buy Calculator


Cincinnati Office
5310 Glenway Ave.
Cincinnati, OH 45238
Phone: 513-451-8898
Fax: 513-347-2102
Email   Directions


Craig and Tim, Thanks for "Happy Thanksgiving Wishes" . Your Website is great! Craig, Tim's Dad and my Dad were good friends and were part of the Motorists Mutual Family. My Dad got me in touch with Tm many years ago. There is not a finer person than Tim.Zinser. Regards, TR
