Call Now phone sign513-451-8898

Serving the Cincinnati

Area Since 1949

We strive to treat our

insureds as family

We know you work

hard for your money

Craig  Baston
Craig Baston
Office Manager Office: Cincinnati Office
Phone: 513-451-8898
Fax: 513-347-2102

Craig Baston has been with Zinser Insurance since 1988. Craig is licensed in Property/Casualty (Home, Auto, Business) and Life Insurance.

"I Love what I do. I get to work with and for Great People all day."

Craig is happily married to his Lovely wife Terri. They have 4 wonderful children. Jarrett, Becca, Taylor and Parker.



Cincinnati Office
5310 Glenway Ave.
Cincinnati, OH 45238
Phone: 513-451-8898
Fax: 513-347-2102
Email   Directions


This is just a little thank you for going above and beyohd to help us with our situation. Thank you so much. You and your Dad have been very good to us & we wanted you to know how much we appreciate you as an agent and a friend.

J & LS